Mondelez International SnackFutures Invests in Uplift Food – UpliftFood

Mondelez International SnackFutures Invests in Uplift Food

Hi everyone,

We are super excited to share with you all that our humble emerging prebiotic mood brand, Uplift Food, has just announced that we have been selected as the first ever investment by Mondelez International as part of the their new venture arm, SnackFutures.

We are so happy to have the support and belief of an established company like this who have gotten behind our mission of creating gut healthy products, and who are encouraging of us to stick to our strong ingredient and nutrition integrity.

Featured a couple of days ago in Forbes, read on:

forbes uplift food mondelez SnackFutures prebiotic supplement daily uplifter psychobiotics

Uplift Food Daily Uplifter Gut Healthy Breakfast Probiotic Fiber Resistant Starch Mood Forbes Kara Landau Dietitian

uplift food Daily Uplifter Kara Landau founder womens health gut health prebiotics psychobiotics synbiotics mondelez international forbes snackfutures

Uplift Food Daily Uplifter Mondelez International SnackFutures Prebiotics Synbiotics Psychobiotics Supplement Daily Uplifter Forbes

Head over to Forbes to read the full article,

And if you want to check out the Daily Uplifter for yourself, be sure to head over to our SHOP now!

Until next time,

Team Uplifters :)

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